After two decades, COEXCELL is recognized as the preeminent innovator in producing uniquely engineered, multi-layer HDPE plastic molded drums. The N55 nestable drum is the most rugged, reusable drum on the market. One way to determine if Coexcell drums are for your operation is to do the financial analysis.
This drum is a mainstay of the fruit and juice business. Many processors charge a monetary deposit on the drums to ensure they get the drums back for the next season. The nestability of the drum allows for a cost effective return trip vs. steel drums.
N55 HDPE vs. steel drums.
Coexcell blow molds the most rugged 55 gallon nestable Open Head drum on the market. This drum takes the abuse given out in a mechanized food manufacturing plant with forklifts running about and then some. Our regular customers tell us the N55 lasts 3-4 times or longer than a steel drum – which means that many years of service giving you an outstandingly low cost of ownership and a tremendous return on your investment.
We encourage you to calculate and compare your cost of ownership vs steel drums
(drum cost $_______) ÷ (drum life in years_______) = cost per year $____________
Our example:
(Steel drum cost ($ 36 ) (steel drum life in years (3) = cost per year $ 12 per year
(N55 drum cost ($ 44 ) ÷ (N55 drum life in years (9) which is 3x the life of steel) = cost per year $ 4.89 per year.
Now multiply the cost of ownership difference by the number of reusable drums bought and, Yes N55 nestable drums save big money over time.
Now calculate the hidden ongoing cost of transporting empty drums.
Take your transportation costs of per trip. For example $500.
Approx 208 empty drums fit on a 53’ trailer. Over 3 times (736) fit on a 53ft. trailer. So to transport 624 steel drums the costs are $1500, while the cost is $500 for N55 drums.
Additionally, how does your customer perceive the value of your product in a more sanitary, professional looking container (no rust, no dents)? That answer is in the years they are your customer.
The N55 offers safe, hygienic packaging for food processing and storage. The drum’s lightweight, conical design conveniently allows them to stack for increased warehouse efficiency and space. Preventing corrosion and denting, the plastic construction also allows for outside storage and additional space savings. Our customers have told us time and again, this drum lasts on average 3-4 times longer than metal drums, your savings begin with your first N55 Drum purchase.
37.5” (95.3cm)
23.2” (58.9cm)
7.4” (19cm)
.125” (.32 cm)
17.0 lbs. (± 0.5 lbs.) / 7.70 kg (± 0.23 kg)
55 gal (208 liters)
Black (Other colors available upon special request)